Friday, December 15, 2017

Non-Maudlin Career Reflections

One of the first aspects you deal with in retirement if fairly obvious:  The career you're leaving behind, and the people you've collaborated with for years.

One of the things I'll blog bout from time to time will be about some of the experiences I've had - especially the funny ones, those that taught me the most, and those that involved some of the wesome people I've had a chance to work with. .  I hope to avoid the maudlin or regret-filled. 

As I've said before, I feel really lucky to have been in the information technology industry during what I'm sure will be viewed historically as one of the most incredible periods of time not just for computer-related technologies, but for technologies directly impacting humanity on a braod and very personal level.

My career started in Alaska, and I had a lot of terrific experiences there and a lot of on-the-job learning.    My first computer-related job was working for the NOAA and the federal government.  THat led to a job at a computer retailer of the early 80's, Computerland - and I was off. 

Leaving Alaska in late 1984, I moved back to my home state of Washington and went to work for one of my key mentors, integrating systems and building on my first experiences in Alaska.   That job was a springboard to my entrepreneurial future, as I really admire Mr. Gary Gill, said mentor and a very successful entrepreneur.     

THe years following were the real heart of my career, building Apropos Retail Management Systems from scratch, and after Apropos starting and building Quosal - both software companies.     In the middle was a very intense tour through the video game industry at Gas Powered Games.

At each of these steps I learned and accomplished a lot, and will enjoy relating some of these experiences.

I did absolutely nothing by myself.    I was accompanied on every step of the journey by amazing business partners, colleagues, friends, rivals, competitors, and family (who I've always been blessed to work with).

So, for those tens of you that might follow along, I'll mix in a few of these stories and experiences along with the retired dude updates.

I consider this day 4 of actual "retirement" post-vacation.   I can faithfully report that I'm already feeling that "how do you fill the time" aspect so many have talked to me about, and I'm already underfoot for my lovely wife Anne.    More daily activities are coming next week as I've joined our local health club and will start swimming then.   Much work to do on the health front.

Combined birthday and retirement party tonight, with a lot of great friends coming, including many Sagitarrian mates with birthdays close to mine.    More on that no doubt coming your way.


  1. Much love and encouragement from one of those family members who was blessed to work for and with you. I love the blog! Judy

  2. Happy Birthday, Kent. Looking forward to reading your updates regularly. Thank you for everything over the years. -jp


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