Friday, August 9, 2019

WE Must Stand Up For Bristol Bay and America

I learned this evening that once again the Trump EPA has quietly  removed the environmental protections on on Bristol Bay, specifically with the intention of allowing what would be the largest open pit mine in the world to be created virtually on top of the source of the world's largest salmon fishery.

This apparently happened after a private little chat with Alaska's new "little Trump" governor Dunleavy.

Virtually every EPA scientist and every scientist who has every studied the proposed mining operation agree:   It would destroy the Bristol Bay fishery environment and the fishery itself.   That fishery is one of the most important sources of salmon IN THE WOLD, not just in Alaska.  Along with them, every past EPA director back to the Bush 43 administration agree as well:  This move is a disaster for the Bristol Bay fishery.

The major beneficiary of this, as I understand it is a CANADIAN mining operation.

So, I have a question.

Why is America going to allow the destruction of this national, natural treasure and the removal of American gold and copper from OUR LAND to benefit a Canadian company? 

Who else is benefitting?


That fishery belongs to the people of the United States.

That gold and that copper belong to the people of the United States.

This is not the first time Trump and his political hack appointees at the EPA (current head:  former "big coal" lobbyist) have tried to do this.   Scott Pruitt removed the protections back in 2017 after a similar private little chat of the CEO of the mining company.   

The gutting g of the scientific capability of the EPA , and the rest of the US government for that matter, is not being done without purpose.   The purpose is exactly this:  So that the voices that would be raised in a situation like Bristol Bay are not  only silenced:  THEY ARE GONE.

People some things are bigger than politics and Bristol Bay is one of them.   This is not politics:  It is flat out corruption at the highest level, it is plundering the wealth of our nation.    But  I do have a political question:   WHY are the Democrats and the Democratic presidential hopefuls not screaming their heads off over this issue?    Where the hell are they?

Complacency is the enemy here, and Trump and his EPA cronies are counting on it.   They are counting on Americans to shrug and lets this horror go forward.    If we care about not only our own country and its wealth, but this world and its food chain we'd better get off our butts on this one.   

Personally, I intend to find out who's fighting this and how, and to post here what I find.    In 2017 a news network exposed what Pruitt was doing to the light of day, and they backed down.    Time to bring the light back and fight like hell to keep this from happening again.

In making any kind of post like this, I take the chance of offending my many friends who are conservative and Tump supporters, but as I said this is bigger than politics.    Many of those friends are avid outdoorsman and fisherman, and particularly love fishing for salmon.   

I'm calling on anyone and everyone to stand against this and find out how to help fight it.

I'm calling on the Democratic presidential hopefuls to get off their butts and help get this issue into the open.

I'm calling on the people of Alaska to put their new pit bull Dunleavy on a leash.  This guy sounds like very bad news.

Don't let this one get by you, PLEASE.   Watch this space.